Meaning of “SUNNARA”
The name “Nara” is of Japanese, Hindi, Celtic origin meaning "happy". The sun is indeed happy! Especially with all the benefits it brings to your life! Here are just a few ways our “happy sun” helps us out!
Improves your sleep. Your body creates a hormone called melatonin that is critical to helping you sleep
Reduces stress
Maintains strong bones
Helps keep the weight off
Strengthens your immune system
Fights off depression
Can give you a longer life
Helps you save money and clean up the earth while using its power! :)
Our Mission
Empowering homeowners to take control of their freedom of choice. Clean home energy is a choice. Cleaning up the earth is a choice. Savings is the benefit.
Our Vision
Sunnara will provide the freedom of comfortable living to millions of homeowners through clean/reliable energy. A brand that’s trustworthy.